• Hello and Welcome to the new Fishbourne Flat Five website & Community.

    Please note until you register you will not be able to view all the community discussion areas or post in them, you will also need to register to buy event tickets for the next race.


    PLEACE CHECK YOUR SPAM AND JUNK MAILBOX for the Registration Confirmation Email Link. Especially Hotmail emails.



Welcome to the new Fishbourne Flat Five website, The Fishbourne Flat Five 2024 dates will be available in the first quarter of 2024.

You need to REGISTER on our site to enter the event, ONLINE ENTRY for the 2024 wont be available until the date is made available

The Fishbourne Flat Five is one of the most picturesque, scenic and flat cross country races on the south coast for runners and walkers.

The race is held in Memory of Beckie and Lucy Hassell who were tragically killed in a car accident in October 2005.

You will need to REGISTER HERE to get our newsletters (a couple a year and race results) and enter the event (buy event tickets), so please take a moment to regsiter now.

Once registered, please visit our COMMUNITY to join in our discussions and ask any questions.

Maps and Information of the event can be found HERE.

Vidoes and Photos of the Events can be found HERE.

In 2023 the 12th Chichester Scout Group were the Beneficiary and we raised £1156.81 which is be put towards the Scout HQ Re-development fund to give the future young members of Chichester Scouts a safe and functional building for their activities.

Please support us by participating in the event in 2024, in any way you feel you can. You can walk, run or just donate, but need to be over 17 to enter as a runner.

This really is a wonderful opportunity for the whole community to come together and more special as the children themselves would play a very big part in helping to ensure that the legacy of Beckie and Lucy will continue.

Many thanks

The fishbourneflatfive team

  • Published
    28 March 2022
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